Things I noticed about the Louvre
Hello fellow budget hunters,
Today I am going to discuss the most famous art gallery in the world.This isn’t going to be the most positive post about why you need to visit the Louvre, but you can find one here.
In August last year, we were in Paris and when in Paris, it is criminal not to go into the Louvre.
Admittedly, by the time we got to Paris, we had been to so many galleries and Italian churches full of paintings so I’m not sure we were in the right mindset to go there.
If you are under 25 and from the EU (which we are) you get free entry into the Louvre. If you are not, then it costs 15 euros which I think is very pricey. The first Sunday of every month is free, but I think personally it is fairly expensive if you are not a European young person.
Mona Lisa
There’s one painting in the museum that is so popular compared to everything else. People genuinely walk past other rooms filled with paintings to see the Mona Lisa.
I was…
Underwhelmed by her to be honest.
It’s so much smaller than I imagined. I wasn’t expecting the size of the Guernica, but it was about a foot square!
I was also surprised at how many people walked past the other Da Vinci in the hallway before you get into that room. I wouldn’t call myself a da Vinci expert by any stretch of the imagination, but I could at least notice his other works around the gallery.
Pottery and sculpture
There is so much of this within the Louvre, the sculptures were our favourite part. Many museums ago, we came up with the childish game of comparing the genitals on different male statues… I’m sorry we are 20 and 22, but sometimes act about 6. Some of the room had almost a hundred to compare!
Impressionist art
There is also some french impressionist art within the Louvre, but I saw more Monet’s in the petit palais.
It is also so big that it would take a least a day to see everything you wanted to. I love art at the best of times, but I found the Louvre quite clinical in places. The national gallery in London has a cosy wooden feel, whereas the marble in the Louvre seemed cold.
We’re not the biggest fans of high art, especially due to my boyfriend’s colour blindness and I only know the greats from school, but I find it rude the way people didn’t respect the way we appreciated art.
Art is subjective and how it is received varies by the individual. Although even I can’t stand the people who power walk through the different galleries!
The da Vinci code
I expected loads of people to be taking pictures by the pyramid… And I think it was only us doing that. I love a good popular culture reference, but so many older people in the gallery looked down their noses at us.
I’m pretty sure there was about 4 working toilets in the whole place. The queue for the ladies was about 50 strong and poorly organised.
Also these were the former French Royal jewels – it was in the most beautiful room, with so many different wall paintings. Definitely the best room!
It didn’t find it all disappointing though, there is some great pieces of art there!
After all that, I would advise you go and see the Louvre. It is a truly interesting gallery, but I am not sure I will return again.
It was peak season and I understand that it would be busy, but I just found it full of either massive art fans who looked down their noses or tourists who just wanted to see the Mona Lisa and then carry on with their fast paced tour!
Please tell me if you had a different experience below
Until next time,
The Great Ambini
X x x
I also wrote this post about Paris
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This made me laugh….”Here are all the reasons we didn’t liek the Louvre BUT YOU REALLY SHOULD GO TO IT.” Haha. But you sound like me in an art museum! I always feel so immature whenever I post pictures that I took of the David in Italy. Like, I appreciate the amazing skill it took to create it, but the only captions I can ever come up with are very immature! Lol.
Haha I’m glad it’s not just me! I wanted to write down how I felt about the Louvre, but I also liked it… I just didn’t know how to say it as well! ?
This is a place I always wanted go when we lived . in Europe, but every time we tried the line was so long, my kids would not have made it. Maybe when the last one goes to college.
I went to the Louvre when I was about your age. I also thought the Mona Lisa was surprisingly small. And crowded. I don’t think we even got close!
Thanks for this honest appraisal. My husband and I are going to Paris in October, first time for both of us. I love art but like you am not a fan of high art. What you described sounds very similar to my experience seeing the Statue of David in Florence. I’m still on the fence about it but feel less guilty about it after reading this.
I agree with your points. Monalisa was such a disappointment with its small size and people taking a selfie – it just destroyed the whole experience. I also feel one must spend more time at Louvre to know it better. I visited for only a couple of hours and I could not do justice.
The Mona Lisa was a lot smaller than I expected too!! I’m sad we missed out on the French Royal Jewels last time, the museum is so large we must’ve missed them somehow. We were only able to go for a couple of hours so we definitely didn’t have the time we needed, but we won’t miss them next time for sure.
Loved this! I can’t get over the “4 working toilets”, seriously?
I know, it was crazy!